The environment Each year 13 million hectares of forest disappear from the earth’s surface. To cope with the environmental destruction it would be wise to order products printed onto PEFC certified papers only. The PEFC Council (Programme for the Endorsement of forest) is an independent non-governmental non-profit body, founded in 1999, it guarantees that the [...]
Why does your flyers must be prepared by a professional? Do not hesitate to invest in advertising your restaurant, shop or your insurance agency. Good publicity is essential to sustain your business. It is only through flyers that are prepared by a professional that will bring you potential customers. A graphic designer will choose the [...]
Presentation Folders are very popular among the companies that are visited by their customers. Presentation Folders have been invented to carry loose papers and documents usually in A4 size. Presentation Folders are printed single or double sided on a thick, usually carton like paper. It is not only a great tool that will help you [...]