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The poster is a visual form of advertising that the recipient usually found on the streets of a size no smaller than A2. The poster is printed to one side (simplex) and is displayed in the locations visited by an audience. The poster is an advertisement, advertising, slogans included in an artistic print. Posters are [...]
From our earliest years, we have become victims of the invasion of advertising. Statistics show that every day the average person sees 3,000 advertisements a day. We spot them on the bus, in any waiting room, on stadiums and other public buildings. Flyers go to our mailboxes, posters are hung on the walls, and colorful [...]
Two scientist of the University from Illinois conducted an interesting study of advertising. Participants were called on to evaluate the attractiveness of the holidays, on the basis of information provided in the two advertising brochures (it was a trip to India and Thailand). The first tour brochure presented as a sequence of events that were [...]