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The environment Each year 13 million hectares of forest disappear from the earth’s surface. To cope with the environmental destruction it would be wise to order products printed onto PEFC certified papers only. The PEFC Council (Programme for the Endorsement of forest) is an independent non-governmental non-profit body, founded in 1999, it guarantees that the [...]
Presentation Folders are commonly used for carrying documents are an indispensable element in every office. The folder can be used in different ways, for example at home for variety of different documents. The standard size for Presentation Folder is ideal for storing A4 sheets. The Presentation Folders can be used as a promotional tool armed [...]
Black text should always be composed entirely of black ink (100K). When planning your project done on the CMYK. Otherwise, your text will be printed with 4 colors that overlap one on another. If you save the text in 4 colors you may end up with blurry text. More text is smaller, it will be [...]