To develop and grow, every single company must advertise itself. The way to advertise inexpensively is definitely the street marketing The street marketing seeks to combine power (number of exposed contacts) and impact in terms of image and memory. It allows direct contact with customers. During this operation marketing, flyers and leaflets play a powerful [...]
This imposition of a thin foil on the paper’s surface. It is one of the fundamental forms of finishing in the printing industry. It can be performed using three methods: wet – with the glue, hot – where the glue is on the foil in a solid form and mixed technique – wet with adhesive [...]
Two scientist of the University from Illinois conducted an interesting study of advertising. Participants were called on to evaluate the attractiveness of the holidays, on the basis of information provided in the two advertising brochures (it was a trip to India and Thailand). The first tour brochure presented as a sequence of events that were [...]