A5 form is a half of the A4 form. If you would like to print a flyer with this form your Artwork has to be prepared perfectly and posses the right dimension which is 150mm x 212mm. You need to remember that all the elements have to be placed 4 mm away from the trim [...]
Flyers are probably the best and at the same time the cheapest method of advertising your business. Full colour flyer, printed single or double sided on 135gsm or 170gsm paper they are great tool of promotion. Variety of sizes allow us to include as much information as we need to enlarge the number of our [...]
To develop and grow, every single company must advertise itself. The way to advertise inexpensively is definitely the street marketing The street marketing seeks to combine power (number of exposed contacts) and impact in terms of image and memory. It allows direct contact with customers. During this operation marketing, flyers and leaflets play a powerful [...]