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Notepads – excellent souvenir for your regular customer and a perfect method of advertisements Imagine an office without a notepad – impossible. Smart, simply designed notepads are excellent way to promote you busieness. They look good on you desk in the office but will be definitely required during an important meeting or even during the [...]
From our earliest years, we have become victims of the invasion of advertising. Statistics show that every day the average person sees 3,000 advertisements a day. We spot them on the bus, in any waiting room, on stadiums and other public buildings. Flyers go to our mailboxes, posters are hung on the walls, and colorful [...]
Black text should always be composed entirely of black ink (100K). When planning your project done on the CMYK. Otherwise, your text will be printed with 4 colors that overlap one on another. If you save the text in 4 colors you may end up with blurry text. More text is smaller, it will be [...]