Presentation Folders are very popular among the companies that are visited by their customers. Presentation Folders have been invented to carry loose papers and documents usually in A4 size. Presentation Folders are printed single or double sided on a thick, usually carton like paper. It is not only a great tool that will help you [...]
A5 form is a half of the A4 form. If you would like to print a flyer with this form your Artwork has to be prepared perfectly and posses the right dimension which is 150mm x 212mm. You need to remember that all the elements have to be placed 4 mm away from the trim [...]
Notepads – excellent souvenir for your regular customer and a perfect method of advertisements Imagine an office without a notepad – impossible. Smart, simply designed notepads are excellent way to promote you busieness. They look good on you desk in the office but will be definitely required during an important meeting or even during the [...]