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Modern printers look a little different today that they used to in past years. They are dominated by modern printing machines, which carry out work according to the latest technology and they do in a short period of time. Today, we all want to have a product immediately, so it is important to carry out [...]
Today The history of printing dates from the Middle Ages, at that time the books were hand written. That role belonged to the monks in copying scriptoria in the ink and with quill pen clipped to each book. This work, of course, required hundreds of hours of work. Everything changed in the sixteenth century thanks [...]
Flyers are probably the best and at the same time the cheapest method of advertising your business. Full colour flyer, printed single or double sided on 135gsm or 170gsm paper they are great tool of promotion. Variety of sizes allow us to include as much information as we need to enlarge the number of our [...]