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Flyers are one of the cheapest and mainly the most effective forms of advertising today, apart from online advertising. You just need to know how to make this form of advertising effective. One should start with determining the exact audience to which flyers will be addressed. For example if the flyers are to promote cheap [...]
To develop and grow, every single company must advertise itself. The way to advertise inexpensively is definitely the street marketing The street marketing seeks to combine power (number of exposed contacts) and impact in terms of image and memory. It allows direct contact with customers. During this operation marketing, flyers and leaflets play a powerful [...]
Today The history of printing dates from the Middle Ages, at that time the books were hand written. That role belonged to the monks in copying scriptoria in the ink and with quill pen clipped to each book. This work, of course, required hundreds of hours of work. Everything changed in the sixteenth century thanks [...]