Business cards are undeniably crucial tool of business marketing. Can you imagine going to a meeting without a few of them packed securely in a wallet or a special case? Do you know what are the sizes of the business cards? In the UK we use standard European size 55 x 85mm. In some European [...]
Posters are a very attractive way of advertising. They contain a lot of relevant information, its graphic design are intended to attract customers. How did they get their popularity? The first posters appeared already in pre-Christian times. In the old days they were used to forward legal information, the provisions of the then rulers, prohibition [...]
People spend fortune on high-tech equipment, latest tools and then they want to advertise they business. What would be the best solution. Can you afford TV commercial ? That would be rather for a huge company but maybe you have tried promote your business in a local radio station? Is that too expensive? We would [...]