Business cards are undeniably crucial tool of business marketing. Can you imagine going to a meeting without a few of them packed securely in a wallet or a special case? Do you know what are the sizes of the business cards? In the UK we use standard European size 55 x 85mm. In some European [...]
Printing flyers is not as simple as it may seem. The real and impressive flyer for the promotion and marketing is the result of a hard work of a professional designer. To see how it all looks in real, we would like to present some of the key issues of promotion using leaflets. Flyer design [...]
Presentation Folders are very popular among the companies that are visited by their customers. Presentation Folders have been invented to carry loose papers and documents usually in A4 size. Presentation Folders are printed single or double sided on a thick, usually carton like paper. It is not only a great tool that will help you [...]