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Flyers are good choice when you would like to put on it the general information, some pictures concerning your company. Choose the 70gms paper if you want to minimize the costs of the distribution. Choose the 135 gms paper which is the most popular option for direct marketing such as restaurant, pubs, music venues, discount [...]
Good project. If you do want to make your own printing project, it is worth to order a template from the print shop where you can later print your project. In order to avoid having problems later on, you should create your project according to their tips. On a template you may find: trim, cut [...]
Today The history of printing dates from the Middle Ages, at that time the books were hand written. That role belonged to the monks in copying scriptoria in the ink and with quill pen clipped to each book. This work, of course, required hundreds of hours of work. Everything changed in the sixteenth century thanks [...]