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Notepads have always been and are popular at work and at school or at home. Today’s technology allows you to print notepads in all sizes, they are printed on offset paper 80g to 100g. For example, such a standard block can record information quickly, and there are even a spiral notebooks, with the metal spiral [...]
Good project. If you do want to make your own printing project, it is worth to order a template from the print shop where you can later print your project. In order to avoid having problems later on, you should create your project according to their tips. On a template you may find: trim, cut [...]
Today, many products such as flyers, business cards, catalogs, posters are printed in the CMYK color model. What does that mean? The CMYK color model is a subtractive color model, which forms the technical basis for the modern four-color printing. CMYK The acronym stands for the three color components: cyan, magenta, yellow and black content [...]