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Which kind of the flyers is the best for me? 2011-11-28
Flyers are good choice when you would like to put on it the general information, some pictures concerning your company. Choose the 70gms paper if you want to minimize the costs of the distribution. Choose the 135 gms paper which is the most popular option for direct marketing such as restaurant, pubs, music venues, discount [...]
Are you able to remember the content of any flyers that you had in your hands within a week or even yesterday? Are you sure it was advertising a language school, pizzeria or a financial service, can you remember the name of this company? Probably not. The reason is simple because all the flyers look [...]
The poster on the wall 2011-01-20
The poster is a visual form of advertising that the recipient usually found on the streets of a size no smaller than A2. The poster is printed to one side (simplex) and is displayed in the locations visited by an audience. The poster is an advertisement, advertising, slogans included in an artistic print. Posters are [...]