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This imposition of a thin foil on the paper’s surface. It is one of the fundamental forms of finishing in the printing industry. It can be performed using three methods: wet – with the glue, hot – where the glue is on the foil in a solid form and mixed technique – wet with adhesive [...]
Nothing easier! Simply enter your corporate address book data to the presentation folders and calendar. Surely they are your customers not only to organize your documents and appointment setting help, but also with every glance they are commemorated by you to your company. Folders are made in the A4 size and each company overprint some [...]
Undoubtedly, business cards are a very useful thing in our daily lives. The aesthetic and well-designed, effectively communicate your message, the company and its nature in a very discreet way. They will help you attract new customers, increase overall sales of the company. When designing a business card, you have to take not only the [...]