Everyone will have to agree that nowadays business cards became essential element of every business. No matter if the form of design is purely informational, or advertising therefore that is usually the first form of company’s id we use during the very first relations with customer. If the business card is well-designed you can be [...]
Bleed is the area of composition which goes beyond the design or outside the crop area and crop marks. This area can be regarded as a margin of error – the area which ensures that the paint will be trimmed composition was also at its edges. When you create a composition that is suitably increased [...]
Presentation Folders are commonly used for carrying documents are an indispensable element in every office. The folder can be used in different ways, for example at home for variety of different documents. The standard size for Presentation Folder is ideal for storing A4 sheets. The Presentation Folders can be used as a promotional tool armed [...]