People spend fortune on high-tech equipment, latest tools and then they want to advertise they business. What would be the best solution. Can you afford TV commercial ? That would be rather for a huge company but maybe you have tried promote your business in a local radio station? Is that too expensive? We would [...]
Are you able to remember the content of any flyers that you had in your hands within a week or even yesterday? Are you sure it was advertising a language school, pizzeria or a financial service, can you remember the name of this company? Probably not. The reason is simple because all the flyers look [...]
Presentation Folders are very popular among the companies that are visited by their customers. Presentation Folders have been invented to carry loose papers and documents usually in A4 size. Presentation Folders are printed single or double sided on a thick, usually carton like paper. It is not only a great tool that will help you [...]