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When creating a project leaflets, brochures and posters we have to remember the very important principles. One of them is a TAC limit (stands for Total Area Coverage). What exactly does that mean? TAC Limit is nothing more than the total percentage of components of the CMYK color (CMYK simplest terms is a color model [...]
One could say that a booklet is a small book with the cover which advertises and describes products that are available for sale. Usually a brochure contains photographs, descriptions and terms of sale. Brochures are often used to advertise a particular product or services. It is a tool that is used to represent the company [...]
Calendars are present in almost every house and definitely in every company. We cannot imagine an office without a calendar haging on the wall or at least a small one on a desk. There are different types of calendars: photo wall calendars, desk calendars, poster calendars, wallet calendars. Calendars can be saddle stitched or bounded [...]