Flyers are good choice when you would like to put on it the general information, some pictures concerning your company. Choose the 70gms paper if you want to minimize the costs of the distribution. Choose the 135 gms paper which is the most popular option for direct marketing such as restaurant, pubs, music venues, discount [...]
Well designed and nicely printed business card speaks laud! Since laminated business cards can be used much longer than ordinary ones, they are more and more popular. Although the business card holds only the very basic information such as name and company contact details it can greatly help especially during the first interview and may [...]
Brochures or magazines are simply folded leaflets that are stitched (or glued) together. They are perfect tool of promotion especially when you have a great variety of products in your offer. Believe or not you will still find customers who prefer to have a paper made brochure with holiday-offers rather than visit your website. Brochures [...]