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Undoubtedly, business cards are a very useful thing in our daily lives. The aesthetic and well-designed, effectively communicate your message, the company and its nature in a very discreet way. They will help you attract new customers, increase overall sales of the company. When designing a business card, you have to take not only the [...]
To develop and grow, every single company must advertise itself. The way to advertise inexpensively is definitely the street marketing The street marketing seeks to combine power (number of exposed contacts) and impact in terms of image and memory. It allows direct contact with customers. During this operation marketing, flyers and leaflets play a powerful [...]
Bleed is the area of composition which goes beyond the design or outside the crop area and crop marks. This area can be regarded as a margin of error – the area which ensures that the paint will be trimmed composition was also at its edges. When you create a composition that is suitably increased [...]